
Glitch vocabulary for reference

A B C D E f G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T u v W X Y Z





Demake/Urban Demake
An urban demake refers to a new implication of an outdated program code into an existing one and can therefore be described as regressive (backward-looking). An example of this is neoclassicism in the history of architecture and art.



Functional glitch
A functional glitch causes disruptive impairments to the function of objects and/or processes within a running program. The cause could be a program running in parallel or an error in the coding.


The term glitch came into English from the German word glitschen via the Yiddish gletshn (“slide or slide”). In various specialist areas (electronics, music, astronomy), glitch is usually described as short-term logical incorrect statements or disruptions. The term gained popularity through the designation of graphical errors and other malfunctions in video games. The glitches in video games are caused by errors in their coding (so-called bugs).

Graphic glitch
A glitch that describes the visual appearance of systemic processes that are not superficially visible. The glitch often occurs in combination with spatial glitches, when an object from an obsolete code or use case appears in a new coding as an artifact or relic.



This error occurs when a module to be imported cannot be found. Modules are statements or functions that are saved in separate files and can be imported into the script if necessary. This makes managing scripts easier.
An analogy can be drawn with administrative apparatuses, public service bodies or matters of strong public interest. In Austria, for example, there is no overarching spatial planning that sets out guidelines for land use, land sealing, development plans and regional development at the federal level. There are also no clear regulations on building materials, sustainable energy supply or CO2 consumption when constructing or operating buildings. Strategy papers and recommendations drawn up at federal and EU levels are not binding. Functions that we need for a working script are missing and cannot be applied.





A MemoryError is the “use up” of the available RAM. If the code contains an endless loop, the results of the arithmetic operations are temporarily stored in the main memory until it can no longer hold any more data. This occurs, for example, if a condition that was set to terminate the loop does not occur or it has not been defined.
Planners feel the same way about tasks in which certain framework conditions that are necessary for a meaningful solution to the given problem are never achieved.



Every computer has a predefined range of values that it can display or store. If the result of an operation falls outside this range, it cannot be saved or output correctly. An overflow error occurs.
If you look at urban planning developments, they often involve complex relationships. Knowledge and insights about it are difficult to grasp and difficult to communicate and present to the outside world.
Even systems that were fundamentally intended for the operation being carried out can reach their capacity limits as the load increases and it is no longer possible to display the desired result.


Patch/Urban Patch
An urban patch (from English to patch = to mend, to mend) is a subsequently added correction in the programming of urban systems in order to eliminate or mitigate glitches that have occurred. This can be done by modifying the original programming or by retrofitting additional functions.

Plugin/Urban Plugin
Urban Plugin (from English to plug in) describes an optional component that offers additional functions. It is inserted into an executing program at runtime and cannot be executed independently. Examples of this include elevator systems installed on buildings or subsequently installed photovoltaic systems on pitched roofs.



Reference Error
Every object we own takes up space. If you only have limited space available, objects that are no longer used are thrown away. This is also how modern programming languages operate. If there is no longer a reference to an object, it is discarded. If an attempt is now made to refer to the object, a ReferenceError is issued.
Of course, there are other reasons to get rid of various objects. Things always become difficult when the removed object is needed again in a different context or you try to refer to it again.
Objects in public space, buildings, or even uses and practices, never exist as isolated units. You are part of a network. If a node in the network is removed, a new connection can be created, or the open connections that have been created can lead to a dead end.
Depending on the quality and quantity of the new connections, the resulting node can densify the urban network, strengthen it or weaken it.
If uses are left without a designated location, they shift or dissolve. This can have unforeseen effects on other connections in the network.
Places that are left unused are perceived as artifacts. They can be integrated back into the network through new uses. An example of this is the conversion of old factory or industrial buildings.
Statues or objects that are dismantled or rebuilt in a new location can also be perceived as a ReferenceError. There is often no connection to the location they originally intended. In the case of the Aphrodite statue in Linz's Bauernberg Park, an object was removed, but its surroundings - a pavilion and a base - were retained. The empty base triggers an attitude of expectation, but also irritation due to the obvious absence of an object - a kind of phantom pain. This was addressed through various refurbishment activities and the placement of a plaque with information about the statue.

Rollback/urban rollback
When a glitch occurs that is caused by the implication of new program routines, a so-called “urban rollback” often helps, i.e. a reset to the previous, actually functioning program. In structural terms it is also referred to as reconstruction.

Compiling is the process by which source code from a specific programming language is translated into a form that can be executed by the computer. You could say that code is translated into an executable program at this point. Errors that are not noticed during or during compiling, but only when executing the program, cause a RuntimeError.
Even in our built environment, it happens that planning errors are only noticed after implementation. Sometimes there is no error in the planning, but the result does not correspond to the actual usage requirements, or these have changed since planning and implementation.


Spatial glitch
Spatial glitch that often arises from conflicts of interest between different spatial order programs.


Type Error
In certain programming languages, objects can be assigned to a so-called type. A simple example is data types. The Integer data type stores integer values in a finite range of values. The String data type is a character string, i.e. a sequence of characters of finite length. The number 4 could have the data type Integer and the sentence “Hello world!” the data type String.
Various operations can be applied to objects. Operations are, for example, simple arithmetic operations such as +, – or *. A TypeError occurs when an attempt is made to apply an operation to an object of a certain type to which the operation cannot be applied. This happens, for example, if you try to divide a string by another string in the Python programming language.
If you look at the object as a real object, the operation as a building function or use and the type as a building typology, similar situations can arise. If an intended use does not correspond to the building typology, or if it deviates from our expectations, we perceive this as a TypeError.


Update/Urban Update
An urban update (from up and date) is an update or improvement to ongoing urban programming. By installing new functions or changing old ones, specific errors in the program code can be responded to. It thereby enables the improvement of a running system that does not require any change in its basic function.

Urban glitch
Urban Glitch (from lat. urbanus 'belonging to the city, urban', too urbs 'city' and the Yiddish gletshn, 'slide or slide') refers to the physical manifestation of an irregularity in the programming of urban space.
The definition of an urban glitch requires the assumption of conscious programming of an urban fabric and its spatial, ecological and social effects. Irregularities in this programming, which are reflected in the instruments of spatial planning, building regulations and in response to historical events, become visible in the form of urban glitches. Urban glitches embody processes in a planning culture that have lost their validity over time, have been compromised by parallel systems, or contain an inherent error in the program code that occurs due to the random occurrence of different, unforeseen conditions.
